M to MM

Converting meters to millimeters is very easy. The conversion factor from meters to millimeters is a very simple number. In short, the conversion of m to mm is very easy to do.

So how much are m to mm or how to go from m to mm? You can use the calculator below to get straight to the answer of m to mm. It only takes less than a second of your time. Go and see!

meters to millimeters

How to Convert M to Mm?

1 m = 1000 mm

For example: Convert 2.5 m to mm

2.5 m to mm = 1000 × 2.5 = 2500 mm

Meter Definition

The meter is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units, and the symbol is m. One meter is equivalent to 1.09361329834 yards. It can be used to measure length, width and height.
The definition of “meter” originated in France. The length of 1 meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth’s equator to the North Pole on the meridian passing through Paris. With the deepening of people’s understanding of metrology, the definition of the length of the meter has been revised several times. From May 20, 2019, the definition of meter is updated to: when the speed of light c in vacuum is expressed in m/s, a fixed value of 299792458 is selected to define the meter.

Millimeter Definition

Millimeters are a unit of length measurement and a unit of rainfall. The English abbreviation is mm. 1 mm is equivalent to one thousandth of a meter, one hundredth of a decimeter, and one tenth of a centimeter.

One of the many metric prefixes is the milli-prefix. It is one thousandth of the base unit. In this case, it is the meter. Over time, the definition of a meter has changed. The current definition is based on how far one can travel at the speed of light over a certain time period. However, the relationship between the millimeter and the meter remains constant. The length of a prototype bar meter was the basis for the definition of the meter. The definition of a second has changed in 2019, and the meter was re-defined.