KM to Miles

Converting kilometers to miles requires a simple mathematical formula. Whatever the reason for your interest in converting km to miles, this is the right place for you.
1 mile is equal to 1.609344 kilometers. Kilometer refers to the unit of length, commonly known as kilometers, and is expressed in English in km.


km to miles

How to Convert Km to Miles?

1 km = 0.6213711922 miles

For example: Convert 10 km to miles

10 km = 10 × 0.6213711922 = 6.213711922 miles

Mile Definition

A mile is an unit of length. It is often used to measure distance. A mile equals 1760 meters. It also equals 5,280 feet. It equals 1.609344 kilometers if converted between miles and km.
Miles are imperial units of length. The imperial system is an informally standardized unit system used in the United Kingdom, its former colonies and the Commonwealth of Nations. Officially it only applies to the US, Liberia and Myanmar. Other countries or regions use the international system of units, the metric system, also known as the metric system. The United Kingdom completed the conversion to the International System of Units in 1995.

Kilometer Definition

Kilometer (symbol : km) refers to a length unit in the International System of Units. One kilometer is equal to 0.6214 miles. It is also equal to 1000 meters.
Kilometer is commonly known as kilometer, and is expressed in English with km (kilometre). In May 1790, a special committee composed of French scientists suggested that the unit of length should be 1/40 millionth of the full length of the earth’s meridian passing through Paris – the meter. 1 kilometer = 1000 meters = 10000 decimeters = 100000 centimeters.