Feet to CM

Feet to cm calculator is a free online tool that displays the conversion of the ft to cm value. We would also come across the value of the length in other units. Anyway, this is an easy way. 

How to convert feet to cm? This is where you will find the best answers. You will learn a lot. You will never get nothing.
feet to cm

How to Convert Feet to CM?

1 ft = 30.48 cm

For example: Convert 5 feet to cm

5 feet to cm = 5 × 30.48 = 152.4 cm

Centimeter Definition

The symbol for centimeter is cm. It is a unit of length measurement and is also the International Standard Unit of Length. One centimeter is one-hundredth of a meter and one-tenth of a decimeter.

The unit of length refers to the basic unit for measuring spatial distance. It is the basic unit developed by humans to regulate length. Its international unit is “meter” (symbol “m”), commonly used units are millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm), decimeter (dm), kilometer (km), meter (m), micrometer (μm), nanometer (nm) and so on. Units of length play an important role in various fields.


Foot Definition

Feet or foot (symbol: ft) is a measurement unit that represents length used in the customary Anglo-American system of measurement. It is equivalent to 1/3 of a yard and 12 inches.
Feet – In English-speaking countries, various ancient and modern units of length measurement based on the length of the human foot. Generally 25-34 cm. In many other Western languages, the foot and the ruler used for measurement are represented by the same word. Although the length it represents varies from place to place and from time to time. In most countries, feet and their multiples and fractions have been replaced by the metric unit of meter, respectively. In a few countries, feet are still used.